Are You and Your Children Eating Pesticides?

Last week, I wrote about the Supreme Court case: Monsanto vs. Bowman, in which Monsanto claimed patent infringement by Bowman on its genetically modified (GMO) soy bean seeds. Genetically modified foods have their DNA changed and although they are supposedly safe, I believe the jury is still out on that one. GMO foods do not have to be labeled in the United States, although when polled, 95% of Americans say that these foods should carry a label. And produce is just the tip of the ice burg; salmon is now a genetically engineered food.

In any case, today I thought I would talk about the pesticides in our foods. Pesticides can permeate the skins of fruits and vegetables, so that even if you wash your food, it makes no difference. You will still ingest pesticides. Pesticides can be harmful to your health, but they are even more harmful to young, developing children.

What about meats? If a cow eats feed that was treated with pesticides, it becomes part of the animal’s flesh. When we eat that yummy burger or steak, we eat the pesticides that the cow ate. (Don’t even get me started on growth hormones and antibiotics.)

The point is, you should really learn about the foods you eat. Where do they come from? How are they grown? I know it isn’t possible to trace everything you eat back to its beginnings, when it was picked, how it was stored and then eventually transported to your store.

To be on the safe side, I eat organic foods as much as I possibly can. There are exceptions, and I will not refuse food that isn’t organic. However, I choose it, because it is a healthier choice. Nutritionally, it might not differ from other foods, but trust me, it is better for you and they usually taste better as well. Eat an organic strawberry or apple and you can taste the difference. And an organic chicken is so much more tender than any regular chicken you can buy.

In November of 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics came out with an official policy statement concerning “Pesticide Exposure in Children”. In it, they warn of the harmful effects pesticides can have on children, including those that are still prenatal. The dangers range from cancers to cognitive function. Their statement includes exposure to pesticides that are environmental, but also those that are ingested. Below I have included a copy of the abstract, as well as a link to the policy statement – it isn’t too long and it is FREE.

Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
This statement presents the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics on pesticides. Pesticides are a collective term for chemicals intended to kill unwanted insects, plants, molds, and rodents. Children encounter pesticides daily and have unique susceptibilities to their potential toxicity. Acute poisoning risks are clear, and understanding of chronic health implications from both acute and chronic exposure are emerging. Epidemiologic evidence demonstrates associations between early life exposure to pesticides and pediatric cancers, decreased cognitive function, and behavioral problems. Related animal toxicology studies provide supportive biological plausibility for these findings. Recognizing and reducing problematic exposures will require attention to current inadequacies in medical training, public health tracking, and regulatory action on pesticides. Ongoing research describing toxicologic vulnerabilities and exposure factors across the life span are needed to inform regulatory needs and appropriate interventions. Policies that promote integrated pest management, comprehensive pesticide labeling, and marketing practices that incorporate child health considerations will enhance safe use.

2 thoughts on “Are You and Your Children Eating Pesticides?”

    1. Since the day I became pregnant with our daughter 33-years-ago (our first child), I have been interested in the food we eat – not just the benefits of food, but the harm caused because of some farming practices – mostly large agribusiness.

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