Zimmerman Jury Asks For Clarification About Manslaughter

The jury seems to have possibly taken 2nd degree murder off the table, because they asked for clarification on the charge of manslaughter. Manslaughter still has a 10 to 30 year sentence, although the jury is not aware of that. The judge will sentence Zimmerman if he is found guilty of anything.

It also seems that the jury is not unanimous about not guilty, or they would have given that as a true verdict. So, are they looking for a compromise verdict, because they can’t agree? Or, are they just going down the list on the verdict sheet?

It seems like they didn’t believe Zimmerman showed hatred, as the Prosecution argued in the 2nd degree murder charge.

It also seems like they aren’t sure about justifiable self-defense, as the Defense argued.

Neither the Prosecution nor the Defense argued about Manslaughter during the case or in Closing Arguments, because it came in at the last moment, as a lesser charge introduced by the Prosecution. I am afraid this does not look good for the Defense of George Zimmerman.

Only time will tell…but I bet the Prosecution is feeling pretty confident right now.

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